How to get rid of a cough and rhinitis?

If your nose is running and your throat is tickling, it isn’t just going to affect your sleep. Headache and aching joints force us to avoid exertion. But what helps tackle a cold and rhinitis, and how can you quickly get rid of a cold? Doctors will only prescribe antibiotics for a bacterial infection. Actually, the only treatment for a cold is to ease the symptoms. The infection clears up on its own after a while. You can, however, boost your immune system to shake off a cold quickly. Ensure, for example, that you have plenty of fluids, sleep a lot and, above all, avoid stress.

Cough and cold treatment

A healthy person should drink up to two litres of water a day. If you have a cold with a fever, the body needs more fluid because you will be perspiring more. Even rhinitis leads to loss of fluid. If you want to drink not only water or herbal tea, you can reach for tried and tested chicken soup. The fluid warms you from the inside and the protein is anti-inflammatory. Avoid dry air from central heating. It is essential that you regularly ventilate rooms.

Why steam inhalation or inhalation over a cooking pot will not work!

You may have heard the myth: Fill a pot with water, add salt and bring the pot to the boil on the stove. Then grab a large towel and put your head over the pot. But anyone who has ever left the pot on the stove will realise that when the water has all evaporated, the salt is left over in the pot. Because the salt, which is added to break up mucous if you have a blocked nose, does not evaporate but remains in the pot. The patient therefore does not have any of the effect, but in the worst case will have scalded skin. Many doctors even warn against using this method. Aside from scalding, the hot steam can get into your eyes and irritate the mucous membranes, especially in children and adults with asthma.


Achieve the best for your health.

Cough and cold treatment Inhalation of saline solutions for colds and respiratory diseases is a tried and tested method to ease and prevent symptoms. Modern inhalation devices can disperse the saline solution in the finest aerosol. Effective inhalation with PARI - nebulisation instead of evaporation. Ideally you should use saline solutions for inhalation with a modern inhalation device from PARI. For example, the PARI BOY or PARI COMPACT for the lungs and the PARI SINUS for the treatment of sinuses (from the age of 6 years). Respiratory diseases can be effectively and gently treated at any age, from new-born infants right up to old age.

Inhaling properly with an inhalation device

In addition to rhinitis, those affected can also feel very weak and suffer from fatigue, headache and aching joints for several days. If a dry cough then develops into a productive cough with mucous, the cold is usually in an advanced stage. The cold and rhinitis should have resolved after about two weeks. The time a cold lasts varies greatly from one person to another, however. Some people may recover from a cold after only three days, while others take a week, and some even 14 days to fully recover.

Tried and tested - targeted for colds

For decades PARI has been focused on inhalation therapy with passion and dedication. Our tried and tested products are designed to suit the specific needs of treatment for colds and rhinitis. PARI nebulisers generate very small aerosol droplets, and various medications can be combined within one inhalation session.



Efficient nebuliser therapy proven effective in the treatment of diseases of the lower airways amongst patients from 4 years of age.


How to use a nebuliser

Using a nebuliser is easy: Sit upright in front of the device, but make sure you are still comfortable and relaxed. Now switch on the device and take calm breaths.

Read more about: How to use a nebuliser

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PARI BOY Classic

PARI BOY Classic

The PARI BOY Classic – The all-rounder for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in persons aged 4 and over.

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Spezialisten für effektive Inhalation

Moosstrasse 3
D-82319 Starnberg

Tel.: +49 8151 279-220
Fax:+49 8151 279-101

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