Identifying sinusitis and delivering the most effective treatments

If sinusitis (also called sinus infection) is suspected, you should consult your GP or an ENT specialist. Based on the description of your symptoms they can identify a possible sinus infection. It is important to make sure your symptoms, such as headache, are not caused by other medical conditions. Evidence of nasal mucus and typical pressure and percussion pain in the sinus region clarify the diagnosis. Symptoms getting worse when you bend your upper body forwards are also typical.

Other signs and supporting symptoms

Purulent mucus running down the back of the throat can be a sign of an acute sinus infection.

Evidence of a chronic disease

The symptoms are less obvious in cases of chronic sinusitis. Usually patients experience difficulty breathing through the nose and a sense of pressure. An impaired sense of small or snoring are also possible.

Clarification through rhinoscopy and allergy tests

If chronic sinusitis is suspected, the doctor looks at the inside of the nose. Using an optical instrument they can assess if the mucous membranes are reddened and swollen. Blocked or possibly purulent mucus is also evident. For further clarification of chronic sinusitis, the doctor may perform an ultrasound examination of the cranium. An allergy test may also be performed to determine if the symptoms are a reaction to allergy triggers.

X-ray and other imaging tests

In some cases further imaging tests such as X-ray, computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used alongside ultrasound. In unclear, difficult or chronic cases they provide information on the anatomical conditions. These examinations are also used to plan and prepare an operation.



PARI SINUS2 offers a unique form of nebuliser therapy for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis.


Background knowledge on nebuliser therapy

The lungs have an excellent self-cleaning mechanism. If this is impaired, inhalation using a nebuliser can help the lungs to get back on track. Benefit from our experience. In over 110 years in business, we have gained comprehensive knowledge and expertise in aerosol therapy.

Read more here, in our background knowledge

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Efficient nebuliser therapy proven effective in the treatment of diseases of the lower airways of babies and small children.

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Contact us

Spezialisten für effektive Inhalation

Moosstrasse 3
D-82319 Starnberg

Tel.: +49 8151 279-220
Fax:+49 8151 279-101

Should you wish to verify the Serial Number of your PARI device, please enter it in the comment section of the contact form and submit it together with your name and email address. No further information is required.