Spacer inhalation with children: Instructions & the suitable equipment

Paediatricians recommend using an inhalation chamber, known as a spacer, for spray inhalation for children up to the age of about eight. We show you how to use the spacer for inhalation with children and what you need to watch out for when using inhalation chambers.

Spacer for children: For successful inhalation with metered-dose inhalers or sprays

Inhalation with asthma sprays or other metered-dose inhalers in children is usually only successful with a spacer. The paediatric pneumologist Dr Franziska Stieglitz explains why this is the case and what to watch out for when using an inhalation chamber.

Mucus build-up in the lungs? An overview of exercises that shift mucus from the lungs

Mucus build-up in the lungs? These eight respiratory physiotherapy exercises can gently shift mucus from the lungs.

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