World COPD Day: Eberhard Jordan sets himself a personal challenge to climb 48 storeys

Eberhard Jordan sets himself a personal exercise challenge for World COPD Day. The aim is not only to stop his own disease advancing but also to raise awareness of lung disease.

Using nebulisers for children with colds and sniffles – a mother of three shares her experience

Petra Warth has three children. In this interview she explains why she has the PARI BOY close at hand whenever colds are doing the rounds.

Motivating children to use a nebuliser part 1

In a four-part series we answer the question: How can I motivate my child to use a nebuliser? To start off, we talked to Ramona L, whose daughter has cystic fibrosis. She shares her experiences and she also tested out the PARI inhalation passport for us.

The articles found on the PARI Blog are written by the PARI Blog editorial team. The editorial team consists of PARI employees as well as external guest authors and freelance editors, some of them suffering from severe respiratory diseases themselves.