Living with COPD: Experience of a COPD patient

Eberhard Jordan has end-stage COPD. In the interview he explains why his life is active and happy despite the illness.

Post-transplantation experiences: My life with a donor lung

Life changes radically with a donor lung – overwhelmingly for the better. But there are dark sides as well. In this interview, Reiner Heske details what life is like after a lung transplant. .

Treatment and nebuliser therapy for COVID-19 in hospital. Interview with the Prof. Dr Kamin, Medical Director of the Hamm Lutheran Hospital

Hospitals across Germany are currently bracing for a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases. This is making patients with respiratory disease very nervous, regardless of their age. We discussed the current situation with Hospital Director Prof. Dr Kamin.

The articles found on the PARI Blog are written by the PARI Blog editorial team. The editorial team consists of PARI employees as well as external guest authors and freelance editors, some of them suffering from severe respiratory diseases themselves.