Married to a person with PCD – a brutally honest interview

Married to someone with PCD. In a very candid interview, Miriam W. shares her experiences of living with a partner with chronic illness.

A happy relationship despite chronic disease – An interview about PCD and the challenges for couples

When one’s partner has a chronic illness that has an effect on a relationship. Today Sven Weiboldt will describe how PCD affects his relationship with his wife.

Do you want to come to the Christmas market with us? Part 4

This seemingly harmless question is not an easy one to answer for people with lung problems. We asked four lung patients this question. Here are their answers. Part 4

The articles found on the PARI Blog are written by the PARI Blog editorial team. The editorial team consists of PARI employees as well as external guest authors and freelance editors, some of them suffering from severe respiratory diseases themselves.