Australia trip with cystic fibrosis? Part 1

A trip to Australia with a camper van entails risks for a cystic fibrosis patient. Even so, the PARI blog author, Alex, risked the trip and describes the challenges, the tour and her unforgettable experiences. Part 1

Historical pictures: The PARI BOY journey. Part 2

From spa bath to recognised therapy. The history of the PARI BOY leads through from room nebulisers to what we know today as the PARI BOY, which has become the epitome of inhalation therapy. Part 2

Historical pictures: The PARI BOY journey. Part 1

From spa bath to recognised therapy. The history of the PARI BOY leads through from room nebulisers to what we know today as the PARI BOY, which has become the epitome of inhalation therapy. Part 1

The articles found on the PARI Blog are written by the PARI Blog editorial team. The editorial team consists of PARI employees as well as external guest authors and freelance editors, some of them suffering from severe respiratory diseases themselves.