Early treatment can considerably slow down the disease

Early treatment can considerably slow down the disease

Cystic fibrosis – a disease with plenty of challenges

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic metabolic disease. It is very rare with about 8,000 people affected in Germany. The name cystic fibrosis refers to the characteristic scarring (fibrosis) and cyst formation within the pancreas.

First signs

The first symptoms of the disease start in early childhood. Usually there are frequent respiratory infections in infancy and childhood. This is caused by thick mucus which is difficult to cough up. Fever or stomach ache can often accompany these symptoms. In many countries, new-born infants are now routinely examined for cystic fibrosis.

Disease progression

Disease progression can vary greatly. It also depends which organs are affected. Very often those affected suffer from a constant cough and recurrent respiratory and lung infections. Severe digestive disorders with chronic diarrhoea are also typical symptoms and can cause the child to become underweight or fail to thrive.

Medical advances

Therapies for the treatment of cystic fibrosis focus on the symptoms of the disease, but in recent years there has also been a focus on causal therapy. Causal therapy is defined as a medical treatment that attempts to treat what causes a disease. A symptomatic therapy treats the symptoms of the disease.

Medical advances in the last decades have opened up new treatment options for those affected. Even though those affected need to spend a lot of time managing their disease, they can nowadays lead a comparatively normal life and have a career and children. The mean life expectancy has now risen to over 40 years.

A further improvement is anticipated for the future.

Seeing that there are prospects - Even with cystic fibrosis

Seeing that there are prospects. Even with cystic fibrosis.

Find out more about what to watch out for if you have cystic fibrosis and how you can still have control over your life, even with the disease.

More about day-to-day life with cystic fibrosis

Common cold – or signs of cystic fibrosis ?

Common cold – or signs of cystic fibrosis?

There are usually certain initial indications of cystic fibrosis. But for parents it is not easy to interpret their child’s symptoms clearly.

Find out more about symptoms and the disease progression

Does your child have unusual symptoms? Talk to your doctor

Does your child have unusual symptoms? Talk to your doctor.

If your child has breathing or digestive problems, you should consult a specialist who will be able to tell you if the symptoms are associated with cystic fibrosis.

Find out more about the therapy options for cystic fibrosis

Treatment for cystic fibrosis – as much quality of life as possible

Treatment for cystic fibrosis – as much quality of life as possible

The treatment for cystic fibrosis consists of a combination of different therapies. There is a lot the patient can do to improve how the disease progresses.

Find out more about cystic fibrosis therapy options

Relief for your airways: Inhalations for cystic fibrosis

Relief for your airways: Inhalations for cystic fibrosis

If you have cystic fibrosis, inhalation therapy with PARI devices is a valuable support. These are used when you need to fight bacterial infection or to loosen thick mucus to make it easier to cough up out of the lungs.

Find out more about Inhalation for cystic fibrosis

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We are well aware that when you have cystic fibrosis questions keep cropping up. Not every issue can be addressed in the family. Talking to others with cystic fibrosis and contact with self-help groups can often help.

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What inhalation can achieve for cystic fibrosis

People with cystic fibrosis (CF) in particular depend on daily inhalations. As experts for specialist inhalers, we have innovative inhalation devices that are suitable for cystic fibrosis. With their help, medications can be efficiently delivered into the bronchial system to expand the bronchial tubes or to fight inflammation or infection of the airways. Salt solutions can ensure that the thick mucus in the airways is loosened and is easier to cough up. 

With our offers and products, we do our level best every day to deliver the best possible support to people with cystic fibrosis.

The eFlow rapid inhalation system – our recommendation for cystic fibrosis

Modern inhalation treatment – twice as fast!

More about the eFlow rapid inhalation system

PARI SINUS2 – for specialised inhalation therapy for sinusitis

Pulsating aerosol for the treatment of sinusitis.

More about PARI SINUS2


PARI Year Packs

For annual replacement of the nebuliser, connection tubing, air filter and mouthpiece.

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Our inhalation devices provide an effective and gentle way of treating respiratory diseases. We can look back on many years of expertise in inhalation therapy. Inhalation devices transport saline solutions and medications into the respiratory tract.

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Where to buy a PARI device

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+49 8151 279-5220

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